Browse Corpora

Click on the appropriate collection title to search and view Ngrams. It is possible to view unigrams, bigrams and trigrams, and use the search to display a graph of term use over time.

Dates must be entered in the format YYYYMMDD. For texts with only a publication year, the date has been entered as 1st January of that year. For texts with only a publication month and year, the date has been entered as the 1st of that month.

Please note that stop words are not currently filtered.

As new content is added to the database, the Ngrams will be updated.

Collection Text Source Field Date Source Field Date Format Date Range
Short Stories Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18331201-18680501
Verse Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18300101-18681231
Christmas Numbers Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18501221-18671212
Christmas Books Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18431201-18481231
Speeches Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18370503-18700430
Search Everything Ngram Text
(Item Type Metadata)
Ngram Date
(Item Type Metadata)
Date by day 18300101-18700430