'Song – Felix Tapkins'


From Is She His Wife? Or, Something Singular! (Lord Chamberlain’s Copy, 27 February 1837).


Lord Chamberlain’s Copy, British Library.
'Song – Felix Tapkins.' Is She His Wife? Or, Something Singular!The Letters of Charles Dickens. The Pilgrim Edition. Edited by Madeline House and Graham Storey. Volume 1 (1820-1839), p. 698-699. Oxford University Press, 1965.



Bibliographic Citation

Dickens, Charles. 'Song – Felix Tapkins.' Is She His Wife? Or, Something Singular! (27 February 1837). Dickens Search. Eds. Emily Bell and Lydia Craig. Accessed [date]. https://dickenssearch.com/verse/1837-02-27_Is_She_His_Wife_Or_Something_Singular_Song_Felix_Tapkins.



It was in search of wonders so high and so low
That the flying Phemominon, said he would go
Where no mortal man had e’re been before
For he, all the world was resolved to explore.


With wings made of leather, of steel, and of steam
Of wonders he said, he should sure be the theme
For who in the world could with him compare
As like a great Goose he should fly thro’ the air.


No sooner the Globe he resolved o’er to range
Then of linen, he packed in his bag up a change
To give Mankind the bag, he thought it no harm
So his bag he took with him just under his arm.


In the Morning it was, he first took his flight
And in Greece on a Turkey, he supp’d the same night –
He dined on his way, at Hamberg, upon Ham –
And in Tartary, sipp’d his Bohe with the Cham.


In the Artic regeons, twas he took his lunc
And on an Ice-burg – why he drank Ice’d punch.
His heart was so full, it he couldn’t control
So he sat and he sung on the famous North Pole.


He paid him a visit to Venus and Mars
To the Sun, to the Moon, & the seven stars
He shook hands with Satan, and then I declare
That he had a hug of the very great Bear.


With a fiery Comit, he then tried his pace
And in spite of its tail why he won the race
But much further of, he couldn’t well roam
For he sing’d all his wings, & was forced to come home.


Now I think that with me, you all will agree
That a cleverer chap, sure there never could be
But if what I have said, should not be quite right
Why like him, I’ve indulged in fancy’s flight.



“'Song – Felix Tapkins',” Dickens Search, accessed May 17, 2024, https://www.dickenssearch.com/verse/1837-02-27_Is_She_His_Wife_Or_Something_Singular_Song_Felix_Tapkins.